MOVE & MANIFEST in EGYPT- October 14th, 2023

dance, manifest

A journey through sound, sensation & movement guided by

Mimi El Ashiry 

For the first time ever, Mimi El Ashiry, Australian-Egyptian dancer and performer, enlightens Egypt with her unique movement workshop, hosted at Ahmisa, situated on the banks of the Nile, embark on a journey of Movement Alchemy surrounded by breathtaking views and the soothing flow of the Nile.

Join us for Mimi’s Movement Alchemy Workshop - MOVE & MANIFEST at 6pm. Followed by a truly transformative Sacred Sound Healing Ceremony session by the one and only Cherine Mahmoud

Brought to you by Eatducate and FUFA ❤️
To sign up, kindly follow the link below:



Event description

M O V E M E N T   A L C H E M Y,   M A N I F E S T A T I O N 

Throughout this 1.5 hour workshop You will experience a variety of Visualisation and Improvisation techniques, Sprinkled with inspiration from ancient, spiritual and deeply embodied somatic practices such as Meditation, Ecstatic Dance, Yoga Nidra, Shaking and Breath Work. This Workshop is an evolution of the truly freeing self-practice cultivated by Mimi, as her own form of Dance Medicine and Manifestation Process.


• How to get out of your own way. Move from THINKING mind into FEELING body.

• Completely let go of judgment of SELF and OTHERS in relation to movement.

• Self Practices to create space in your mind and body by releasing stress, tension

& stored experiences.

• Recognise the power of intention to call in and manifest what you desire.

• Explore a diverse and expansive range of movement in your body


~ This workshop is for any human with a body. No experience required for yoga or dance.

~ No experience required for Yoga or Dance. 

~ A moderate+ level of physical mobility is required but not fitness.

~ A willing and open mind is extremely necessary.

~ No Yoga Mats Required.

    "Come with me as we journey deeply inward, into the cells and structures that make and move our vessels... 

           Deeper still to the feelings and experiences stored in our beings, and from here we will move...

        Embodied Movement will not only release stored emotions, blockages and experiences -

but will change your perspective of what it means to "dance"

    Free your body from the rigid paradigm of that most of us see as dance. 

                          Break down the walls stopping you from expressing yourself through movement. 

                         Become Fully Embodied in your own unique and wonderfully weird way."


This Workshop is designed to encourage you to generate your own unique way of moving and expressing yourself rooted in your own  abilities. If you have any injuries, mental or physical impairments that may hinder your safe engagement and ability to take care of your own body, you should not participate.
MOVE & MANIFEST & Mimi El-Ashiry PTY LTD  do not not take any liability for injuries sustained during the workshop.

Sacred Sound Ceremony by Cherine Mahmoud

Join cherine as we dive into the realm of vibration and frequency. Sound therapy has been passed down by many ancient cultures and is built on the principle of restoring the body's natural symphony by exposing ourselves to audible resonating vibrations. During this sacred sound ceremony many instruments will be used to guide you on a deep inner journey, tensions will be built and released. Your experience may be emotional, physical, or transcendental. Whatever comes up, I invite you to be present and open to awareness. "Ceremony needs to be surrendered to and not attached to.
About Mimi El Ashiry

Mimi El-Ashiry


Mimi El-Ashiry has spent her life performing, She started Modelling from the age of 2 & Dancing competitvely at the age of 5. Although her life and successful career in fashion for the last decade has pulled her in many different directions, in 2019 she decided to switch her priorities from work to chasing her passion. She moved to Melbourne & Studied Contemporary Dance, Full time, for two years, with the intention of improving my technical ability, facility, but she soon realised her biggest learning was not getting closer to perfection, It was the UNLEARNING of years of learning classical technique & letting go. Shifting from thinking MIND into FEELING BODY. She began to weave Free movement and Manifestation into my personal practice, and soon realised ANYONE can do this. Anyone can let go of the rigid idea of what they THINK dance has to be, and Express themselves Authentically through Movement” This exploration of movement and hosting workshops at Festivals, Retreats and Summits internationally has led her to complete a Yoga Teacher training and dive into other somatic modalities to further her ability to share her gifts.